About Gobnius Forge

Gobniu’s Forge is a concept, a space for a hearthfire of traditional witchcraft in Ireland. At different times this hearthfire may host many, working together as a clan or covine, while at others only one or two who gather as friends on the path. At others it may be a single individual keeping the cunning flame alight. But regardless of numbers, as long as the cunning fire burns, the hearthfire continues...

There are few on the island with a draw to this form of work, and herding witches is like herding cats, so at this time, rather than try to create a coherent entity, covine, or Order, the Forge is an online space, this blog, and a personal practice, maintained by one  person but open to hear from, and interact with others walking this same path.

Gobniu’s Forge draws from many strands of spiritual work including, but not exclusive to the work of the Clan of Tubal Cain, Cultus Sabbati, Hedge Witchery, Sabbatic Witchcraft, Shamanism and Irish Traditions. Michael Howard describes traditional witchcraft as "any non-Gardnerian, non-Alexandrian, non-Wiccan or pre-modern form of the Craft, especially if it has been inspired by historical forms of witchcraft and folk magic".

So gather round the fire!

Cunning Part,

The Forge can be contacted at: goibniusforge@gmail.com

(e-mails are answered about every 4 to 6 weeks as we are not living online)

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